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This is a List of the Best Questions Young Ophthalmologists Should Ask When Interviewing for Jobs, Employment or Partnership Opportunities.
This OjO blog post is written exclusively for young eye doctors and surgeons who are searching for their first or second ophthalmology position. This article is especially helpful for career-minded Ophthalmology Residents and Fellows in Training
Young Ophthalmologists - Here Are the Best Questions for You to Ask When You're Interviewing for Jobs and Partnership Positions with Future Employers.
Many young ophthalmologists leave their first job within a few years. It is reported that approximately 50% of young ophthalmologists change jobs within the first 3 years of their career. Assuming you are a young ophthalmologist reading this post and you would like to benefit from the experience of other doctors who didn't pick the right eye job the 1st time, these great tips and questions should be a big help when you're interviewing for jobs and partnerships.
A career mentor can give you wisdom on tough decisions, like "I have a lot of good opportunities to pick from. What is the best ophthalmology job for me?" Said another way, Young Ophthalmologists have many, many jobs to pick from- So getting a job is easy, BUT finding a great OPPORTUNITY with a talented team of ophthalmologists who you trust is not easy- it's a lot harder.
If you're asking this question and you're trying to narrow down your search for a great ophthalmology job or partnership opportunities then you'll like this helpful MD career checklist for your reference. If you have any questions about this information, just send us a quick note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Best Questions Young Ophthalmologists Should Ask When Interviewing for Job Opportunities.
Here's a helpful checklist for Young Ophthalmologists who are searching for jobs or partnership opportunities.
Questions for YO’s to Ask or Discuss When Interviewing for Jobs and Partnership Opportunities- Drew Caldwell at OjO
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a career mentor- or a career coach or counselor who could help you navigate the national MD/Ophthalmology jobs scene? That’s what this checklist is all about. I refer to this checklist as the “Things I Wish I Had Known to Ask” questions and topics for ophtho job seekers. This list has been 11 years in the making and is based on my experience and the experience of countless surgeons I’ve worked and talked with about finding the best ophthalmology partnership or job opportunity. Keep in mind- you, as a YO will have many, many good job choices and options- but not all opportunities are created equal. Put another way, it’s easy to find a job, it’s a lot tougher to find a really great opportunity with a talented, ethical team of MDs that you’ll fit in well with.
Here’s the List.
Who owns the ASC?
What is the commute time from the office where I’ll work to the ASC?
Doctor and Staff turnover.
How often do associates become partners?
How does the practice handle negative online reviews?
Is there a Mentor in the House?
Are there any teaching opportunities with this position (formally or informally)?
How busy will you really, truly, actually be?
Where will your patients come from?
I don’t understand the bonus structure in my contract- what do I do?
What will the buy-in cost and what does it include---What’s not included?
How numerous and how strong are their relationships with primary care MDs and ODs?
How important are word of mouth patient referrals to the practice?
Is the practice adding multiple doctors at the same time?
How will the practice market you so that you can both be quickly successful?
Is the practice considering a merger, acquiring another group or perhaps selling out to private equity?
If I prefer not to become a partner, will I be allowed to stay on as an employee?
What are the steps to becoming a partner?
What are the advantages of becoming a partner?
Would you mind if I talk with the last doctor who was here?
In what ways is the practice always looking to improve patient eye care?
How happy are you with your EMR?
What does the group do or want to do to attract and keep top notch non-MD talent?
How will you fit into the practice?
What is the practice culture? What’s it like to actually work here?
How much time will be spent at remote locations?
What is the commute time to each location?
What kinds of patients will be sent to you from other doctors in the organization?
Can you meet and speak with people in other departments, not just doctors. Such as front desk, billing, techs, marketing, administration? Do you tend to hear a lot of people talking about why they believe in the organization?
How are decisions, especially big decisions in the practice, made?
Flexibility in the schedule.
Has your attorney reviewed your contract? Suppose you lose your job or decide to switch practices...Will you be able to stay in the area and still practice locally or will you and your family have to relocate?
Thanks for reading OjO's blog on the "Best Questions for YOs to Ask When Searching for a Job".
If you have any questions about this career checklist, or you'd like us to present this information to your residency or fellowship program, please let us know.
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