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Recruiting an Ophthalmologist for Your Practice. Top Questions to Ask an Ophthalmologist During a Job Interview. The Top 10 ophthalmology candidate interview questions, plus a few fun, non-traditional questions to ask. Featured


You've scheduled an interview with an Ophthalmologist candidate for your job opportunity.  What next?  What are some of the best questions you can ask your eye surgeon candidate to find out if he or she is a good MD fit for your practice?

Obviously, you might ask some of the classic, Top 10 interview questions- they're listed below, but honestly, they're pretty boring and they won't necessarily stimulate good conversation or help you to bond with you Ophthalmology candidate. Here's a list, but read on for more good questions.

Tell me a little about yourself?  

Why did you decide to go into ophthalmology?

What are your greatest strengths?

What are your greatest weaknesses?

Where do you see yourself in 2 years or 5 years?

Why are you leaving your current position?

Why are you the best candidate for this job opportunity?

What do you know about our company?

Why are you motivated to live in our area?

What does the ideal job look like to you?

Here are some other great questions to dive into---I'll bet you'll like these more than the traditional interview questions!  These, I think, are more personal and engaging---more real.  I think these questions turn a stuffy, uncomfortable interview into a relaxed conversation where both parties can learn about one another so you can determine whether or not to move on to the next phase of the recruitment process.  

What is the kindest thing a patient ever said to you?

What does a healthy work : life balance mean to you?

Tell me about the moment when you realized you had the hands to be a great surgeon?

Who, in your life, has influenced you the most?

Who is the most talented ophthalmologist you've ever met?  What made him/her exceptional?

How did you learn that ophthalmology was where you wanted to go with your career?

What is the most difficult thing you’ve ever had to overcome and how did you do it?

When you picture yourself practicing ophthalmology, what do you see; what does that look like to you?

As a highly intelligent, much sought after candidate, in one of the best fields imaginable, how do you stay humble--- how do you stay “down to earth”?

What is the most difficult problem you’ve ever solved?

What is one of the most interesting projects you’ve ever worked on?

Who is your favorite author?

What movie star are you most like?

Do you have a teachable spirit?

Would you like to be paired up with a mentor in your future practice?

How do you handle a routine surgery that takes a turn for the worst?

When you imagine yourself in a new job, you probably see yourself in an exciting role in a collegial, collaborative environment--but what does a collegial, collaborative workplace look like to you and how will you help to create an environment like that?

If you are hired, what would your year 1 and year 2 goals be?

All job-seekers want to land in a practice that is ethical and highly esteemed but you’re given very little data to make a long term decision like joining a group especially if you want to become a partner--- how do you determine if a practice or group is the ethical, good organization you think it is?

What major life event or events have made you the person you are today?

You know when you’re assigned a group project, or a team paper and you have that one unmotivated person who doesn’t pitch in - when that happens, what do you do?

Are you a leader, or a follower?

If every job in the world paid $20 an hour, what would you do--- you can’t say, be an ophthalmologist.

If you could live anywhere in the U.S. where would you most like to be?

How do you give bad news to a patient?

What do you do when you get a negative online review?

How would your co-workers describe your “work personality”?

Private equity has been making a lot of noise in the eye world over the last 3 years.  What does your generation think about this-- in your opinion is this the future of eye care.  Is it a good thing for practitioners and patients or not-- what do you think?

In your opinion, what will the world of eye care look like in the future?

Why is surgery so fascinating to you- what’s going on in your mind when you’re in the zone during surgery?

What is the difference between an average eye surgeon and a world class eye surgeon?

How do you balance the demands of a business to be profitable, efficient and productive, with the need for the highest level patient care possible.


Are you trying to recruit an ophthalmologist for your practice?  If you are and you'd like some experienced advice on how to find and hire the right eye doctor for your team, get in touch with OjO.

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Read 10957 times Last modified on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 19:55