OjO Ophthalmology jobs Online. Recruit Ophthalmologists and Optometrists with OjO. Naturally Relational Ophthalmology and Optometry Recruiters. List Your Practice for Sale too with OjO.

We are CHANGING our NAME from Ophthalmology jobs Online (OjO) to OjO Recruitment Agency 
(the new website will be: www.ojorecruitment.com). 

We are still under the same ownership. 
We believe the name change is necessary to better reflect our complete line of services including Optometry recruitment. 
We look forward to serving you the same way as we have the last 17 years!

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eyemobile portable microscope for ophthalmology missions and cataract surgery trips scop
What's the best microscope in the world for the traveling ophthalmologist?  Where can you find a lightweight, portable microscope you can use on your next ophthalmology mission or cataract surgery trip? 

Published in Ophthalmology Missions
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