OjO Ophthalmology jobs Online. Recruit Ophthalmologists and Optometrists with OjO. Naturally Relational Ophthalmology and Optometry Recruiters. List Your Practice for Sale too with OjO.

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We believe the name change is necessary to better reflect our complete line of services including Optometry recruitment. 
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Ophthalmology Practice for Sale Selling your ophthalmology practice.  Is it time to find a buyer for your ophthalmology practice? Where do you list your practice for sale?

OjO has a lot of creative ways to help you recruit and hire ophthalmologists (and sub-specialists) and optometrists too AND we'd love to put our national network of MD and OD relationship to work to help you when you're Selling Your Practice - What's it worth?  How do you find a buyer for your Ophthalmology or Optometry practice? "Where do I list my ophthalmology practice for sale?".  If you're asking these questions we'd love to talk with you- you have a lot of options to weigh and think through.

Do you entertain offers from private equity groups who are looking to buy ophthalmology practices?  Do you merge with another local group?  Have you had a recent practice valuation or appraisal?  Do you look for information on comparable medical practices to determine how much your practice is worth? Do you hang on to your real estate as part of your retirement? And, you've heard a lot about fair market values---What does that mean? What will happen to your employees and patients when you leave?  There are a lot of questions to think through and carefully consider.

A lifetime of work--- 3 Generations of patients- You know them all.  You've survived and found a way to thrive in the good times and the bad. Now, it's time to think about finding a buyer for your eye practice, but you want to sell it to an ophthalmologist or optometrist or to a group who will care for your patients and your employees the way that you have.

Talk with us today about selling your ophthalmology or optometry practice to someone who will continue your reputation of exceptional patient care. We would love to hear your story and we'd love to help your story live on.  You've spent a life-time creating a great name...We ask you to spend a few minutes talking with us about making sure your legacy lives on.  Here are the questions you may have as you consider selling your eye care practice.

  1. PRICE:  Is my practice valuable and if so, how do I find the right buyer for my practice?
  2. SELLING:  I've tried to sell my practice locally, but I haven't had any success.  Would reaching out to a national audience of buyers help me?
  3. EMOTIONAL CONCERNS:  I care deeply for my patients.  They trust me. I know these people- I know their children and grandchildren too.  It is really important to me that I hand my patients over to a quality, ethical ophthalmologist who will care for my patients the way that I have-- I'm not looking for a clone, but this is really a big deal for me.
  4. MY STAFF:  I have loyal employees.  I am worried about their careers and their futures.  What will happen to them when I leave?
  5. FINDING A BUYER:  I have had a recent practice valuation and my attorney is drafting the legal documents needed for a practice sale.  I am prepared, but I need help marketing my business sale to find a buyer. I need help finding a buyer.

In order to help you sell your practice and find a buyer for your eye care business, we have created a short checklist for you to review.  Please contact us for our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to discuss recruitment of an ophthalmologist for a growth, succession or for a fast track partnership opportunity.  We will be talking with you about your opportunity and searching for the unique selling points of your Practice for Sale opportunity.  We will be discussing the Pros and Cons of your practice sale so that we can help you find a buyer for your optometry or ophthalmology practice who is a good fit for your patients and staff.  We will be marketing and promoting your Practice for Sale listing all over the internet through our own site, through mass email campaigns as well as personal, individual outreach by phone.  Your opportunity will get the opportunity to breathe- meaning your practice for sale ad will be on our site, on LinkedIn, on Facebook, on Twitter, on the AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) on the AOA (American Optometric Association) and we'll be doing Digital advertising campaigns too.  For additional exposure we might feature your Practice for Sale on a hardcopy mail piece, such as a postcard campaign sent to ophthalmologists for local or national visibility.

When we talk to older ophthalmologists who are looking to find a buyer for their practice, we tend to hear similar themes or concerns come up.  Most of the ophthalmologists we work with who are selling their practice are looking for a quality, ethical surgeon with good relational skills who will provide high quality care to their patients and who will also provide job opportunities for their staff.

If you are a practice owner or administrator and you're motivated to sell your practice and find a good eye doctor buyer for the future health of your organization, please get in touch with us.  We would love the opportunity to help you find a buyer for your ophthalmology practice who cares as much about your patients as you do!

To learn more about listing your ophthalmology or optometry practice for sale with OjO, give us a call or click the button below to send us a note.  All inquries are completely confidential.

Just because you know OjO as the ophthalmology and optometry recruitment and placement group, keep in mind that we can help you find a buyer for your eye care practice too!  Let's chat.  Call us at 828.514.9419 or get in touch with us by email at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you'd like to tell us more about your practice for sale opportunity, please click the CONTACT US button.  Thanks.


OjO Ophthalmology jobs Online Eye MD and OD Recruitment and Placement and Practice for Sale Listings


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